Recording at Laughing Tiger


Like a virgin before the sacrificial alter I entered the recording studio known as The Laughing Tiger. After the doors shut behind me I was left smiling in the dark with whip in hand. When the roaring reached an unbearable height I broke the lock, releasing the beast from the cage.

A demonic duo from the unpredictable land of Craigslist performed The Doubtful Guest art song with chilling effect.

The boisterous organ enthusiast, Mr. Miotke, matched note for note the Highwire Hanging circus screamer with the timing of church bells.

Conservatory kids straight from the halls of the…Conservatory marched in with their uniforms tightly pressed and brass instruments in tow. After hoarsely clearing their airways, they easily blew the shine off the walls.

Finally the engineer of the evening, Matt Cohen, pounded out the marching, throbbing, listing percussion of the Highwire Hanging. And it was complete.

By nightfall I had overdosed on circus music bliss. My lips were twitching, my right ear had gone completely deaf and my hips wouldn’t stop shaking.

A follow up recording session happens this week. Then we mix. Then we slay. Then we dine.


Hair Hanging Heroines


Each year the circus comes to town and I watch the train come to a steeming halt. Lions, tigers, elephants, zebras, minature ponies, lamas, and the rest of the menagerie spill out the doors like the last survivors of Noah's Arc. Performers galavant around with bike horns, whips and motorcycles. And musicians masquerade.

Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey, The Greatest Show on Earth shock Oakland this year. Traditional circus performances mixed with daredevil stunts and new sideshow acts kept the audience screaming and squirming. My favorite: The Hair Hanging Heroines were eye-popping.

Original music throughout the show came from composer Michael Picton. Schemingly, I listening to the circus band perform. Observantly I memorized the cues. Slowly I plotted to take over.


New Website


After a month of bending boards and pressing metal the little people I hired to build this small site erected my vision. The feat wasn't easy. So the success is that much sweeter. Only one limb was lost, and only three people quit during the construction. That's better odds than a common sideshow troope rehearsal. 

To the Dwarf Developers, thank you. Your small hands and indespensible whit are unmatched. I only wish you built human size instruments, then we could collaborate more.

Enjoy what you see. As Mr. Hiss continues to compose and produce work, you'll see it here; untattered, stained and undead as originally intended.
